100_continue [for sharon]
Here is the place i just arrived.
(This is not the end., so i need to overwrite on the yesterday's word.)
今回、100_continue[for sharon] と題した展示をさせて頂くことになりました。
なので、明るめの絵を選んだ前回の[for blue]と合わせて、一つの展示という形になります。
2013.3.22 幸山 将大
100_continue[for sharon]
date: 2013.3.22[FRI] - 3.31[SUN]
place: 陽マワリビルヂング
Why am I drawing? for what? and who? I don't know. and I can't know. but it's just ringing, and ringing again. So I chose it. and keep it. (455×380, acrylic and pastel on canvas, 2012) ( sold )
It's not over. It's not over. Even though i can't hear it, I save my voice. it's my weakness, complaint, and just a tale of owe. but it would begin something from there. (530×455, acrylic and pastel on canvas, 2012) 20,000yen
9月の空の風景画 #2 (455×380, acrylic and colorpencil on canvas, 2012) 28,000yen
「カーブを曲がりたくなかった ハンドルから手を離した 子守唄がまっぷたつに 切り裂かれて雨降らした」 ( ROSSO/シャロン より ) (455×455, acrylic on canvas, 2011) ( sold )
Where I want to go is not here, but where? I don't know. I can't know. but it can't last so long, you know? (455×335, acrylic on canvas, 2011) 28,000yen
子守歌の外側で出遭う景色。 (606×500, acrylic and pen on canvas, 2011) 20,000yen
what can you do if you're wrong? still waiting is just your weakness, you know? (530×455, acrylic and marker on canvas, 2012) ( sold )
How crazy? (300×300, acrylic and pen on canvas, 2011) 30,000yen
about the outside of my dream. (455×380, acrylic and pen on canvas, 2012) 20,000yen
If you forget me now, shut down your word, and world. (455×380, acrylic and pastel on canvas, 2012) 35,000yen
CRY HERE.CRY HERE.CRY HERE. AND I WISH YOU CAN SMILE TOMORROW. (530×455, acrylic and pastel on canvas, 2012) 30,000yen
I can't see the light you say. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's me. It's me. It's me. It's me. It's me. It's me. If this is not me, who is this one laughing with you? Just watch this. or Don't see me. (410×318, acrylic and pastel on canvas, 2012) 30,000yen
Give me something to feel all right. Give me some voice that you're all right. If I can hear it, it could be all right. 400_ Is this a Bad Request? (530×455, acrylic and pastel on canvas, 2012) 25,000yen
I need to salvage my mind. (410×318, acrylic on canvas, 2011) 30,000yen
空色の願い。 (400×400, acrylic and pen on canvas, 2011) 28,000yen
please smile. (410×318, acrylic and colorpencil on canvas, 2012) 28,000yen
灯りを抱く子。 (410×318, acrylic and colorpencil on canvas, 2012) 30,000yen
we don't know anything. so we have to go on for seeking the way out. -> 100_continue. (530×455, acrylic and colorpencil on canvas, 2013) 35,000yen
なぁ、自分がいくら変わっても 世界はちっとも変わってくれやしないけど、 世界は素晴らしいって言えよ。 (530×455, acrylic and pastel on collaged canvas, 2013) 20,000yen
澄んだ青い霧 優しい水のにおい ひかり 遠くに、 確かに。 僕らはひとりだけど、 笑っていい夜がある。 先のことは知らない。 だけど、知らないことを たくさん知っていくのさ。 分かるはずの無かった 答えを知って 見えるはずの無かった 景色を前にして その時にうんと泣くのさ。 ひとりだけど笑っていい夜が 僕らに投げかける。 前へ。 (606×500, acrylic and pastel on canvas, 2013) 32,000yen
Sunday is over. party is over. There was no happy end. But therefore, there is not bad end. Because here's not the end, right? Overwrite your mind On the yesterday's words. (1455×1120, acrylic and pastel on collaged canvas, 2013) 80,000yen